Please be sure that students attend school every single day! We miss them! In the event of an absence, the parent(s) are responsible for clearing a student's absence. An absence can be cleared: 1. Please call the office, 626-307-3375, and giving the reason for the absence. 2. The parent can write a note for the student to bring to the office the morning the student returns to school. 3) The parent may also e-mail our Attendance Clerk at [email protected] or [email protected] ALERT
School Returns on Monday, January 6, 2025 Willard Elementary School will be closed from Saturday, December 21 through January 5, 2025. All staff and students return on Monday, January 6th. Happy Holidays!
Arrival and Dismissal Locations Read more on where your child will be dropped off and picked up after school.
All Wednesdays All Students Dismissed at 1:35 PM Every Wednesday, starting on August 28, 2024, dismissal for all students is 1:35 PM.